Post-Bariatric Abdominoplasty: What Does It Involve?

Post-Bariatric Abdominoplasty: What Does It Involve?

Frequently in my practice, we welcome individuals who have triumphed in their battle against excess weight—an arduous and transformative journey.

Many of them have achieved this crucial milestone through bariatric surgery. However, their path to well-being doesn't conclude here.

Even after significant weight loss, excess skin often remains to be addressed.

In this context, I would like to focus on post-bariatric abdominoplasty, a procedure aimed at restoring a flat and toned abdomen.

Let's explore together what this entails and how it can be the ultimate solution to complete the transformation journey.

For initial information, I invite you to visit the dedicated section on my website, where you will find specific details about this procedure.

Bariatric Surgery: What Comes Next?

Bariatric surgery marks a turning point for those battling obesity, easing the path to weight loss and offering a drastic reduction in the risk of mortality and associated diseases.

This intervention has a significant impact not only on the patient's life but also on the national healthcare system.

However, it's essential to emphasize that it's not a definitive solution but rather an effective tool in the lifestyle improvement process.

After achieving a significant transformation of your body, it's crucial to continue the journey undertaken without risking weight gain again.

How the Body Changes After Significant Weight Loss

When we talk about post-bariatric surgery weight loss, we refer to a substantial loss—30-40 or even more kilograms. This dramatically changes your body. The skin that once perfectly conformed now appears like oversized clothing. This excess skin can manifest all over the body.

Raising your arms, you might notice they resemble "bat wings." In this regard, I invite you to read "Arm Lift: How Visible Are the Scars?"

The buttocks may appear saggy and empty. Interested in solutions? Read "Buttock Lift, Gluteoplasty Procedure: the Differences."

Your legs might feel heavier due to excess skin. If you want to redefine them, learn more about "Inner Thigh Lift and Post-Operative Care."

The breasts can lose their volume entirely. If you're looking to lift and fill them, read "Remedies for Sagging and Empty Breasts."

The abdomen and often the lower back may show sagging. In these cases, the solution might be abdominoplasty, certainly the most requested procedure after bariatric surgery.

Remember, aesthetic surgery can significantly reduce excess skin.

However, it's essential to consider that some scars may be visible and significant. It's a price to pay, but in return, you'll achieve a complete reshaping of your silhouette and, most importantly, an improvement in your quality of life.

Excess skin is not just an aesthetic problem; it can cause irritations, ulcers, and limit movement.

Thinner Life, but... "Hidden"

After significant weight loss, you might notice that your body doesn't immediately appear as you imagined.

Often, surgery becomes a necessary solution. A significantly slimmed abdomen, in almost all cases, harbors an excess of skin hiding your true measurements.

This aesthetic concern affects the abdomen, commonly extending 360°, also involving the lower back and hips.

To optimize this area after bariatric surgery, abdominoplasty is often the best choice.

There are two main techniques: "fleur de lys" Abdominoplasty and Circumferential Abdominoplasty.

In both cases, in addition to removing excess skin, we can address abdominal muscles. In the case of abdominal diastasis, I invite you to read: "Abdominoplasty Procedure as a Remedy for Abdominal Diastasis."

Additionally, you can combine abdominoplasty with liposuction to optimize results. To understand this synergy better, consult: "Liposuction with Abdominoplasty: Is it okay to have both procedures together?"

"Fleur de lys" Abdominoplasty

This technique is ideal for significant aesthetic concerns. The skin to be removed is abundant, requiring a cut not only horizontally, as in traditional abdominoplasty but also vertically.

It is named as such because the area of skin removed has the shape of a stylized lily, with its characteristic three petals.

The resulting scar, once that area of skin is removed, takes the form of an inverted T or an anchor.

Circumferential Abdominoplasty

This technique also offers excellent results, working on both the abdomen and around the hips, encircling the entire circumference. The resulting scar resembles a belt just below the waist. It is practically a posterior extension that can be performed in both classical and "fleur de lis" abdominoplasty.

For more details, read: "Circumferential Abdominoplasty: What Does the Procedure Involve?"

Speaking of scars, an inevitable outcome of any surgery, I suggest reading: "Abdominoplasty Procedure and Scars: Everything You Need to Know."

While these procedures leave marks, they can significantly improve the lives of those who undergo them, representing the conclusion of a personal rebirth journey.

Have you lost a significant amount of weight after bariatric surgery but find your silhouette obscured by excess skin? Do you think you might need abdominoplasty or other procedures? Contact me, and together we will devise a path to give you a toned and harmonious body.

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